Cover1. Poppy Briarweaver
2. The Witnesses
3. Fates
4. Arcadia’s Day of Birth
5. The Gift of Luck
6. No more questions
7. Guardian Angel
Cover1. For a human…
2. Randy and Demian
3. The Dragon’s Lair
4. Give me a light
5. First impression
6. All I have is a frying pan
7. Chatty little morsel
8. Skin and bones
9. Gourmet
10. Empty sugar
11. Champion among fools
12. Lucky circumstances
13. The Princess
14. Shut up.
15. The Sword in the Dragon.
16. Freedom
17. Qorubahm.
Cover1. My name is Arcadia
2. Oria
3. Money makes the world go round
4. Mysterious Stranger
5. There’s still good people.
6. Lamb and veggies
7. Priorities
8. Awakenings.
9. Shoddy disguise
10. No
11. Enough!
12. Nosy magician
13. Great Darkness
14. BBEG
15. Loose change
16. Elsewhere…
17. No way out
18. A meeting that could’ve been a messenger pigeon
1. Self preservation instinct.
2. So alone!
3. We haf the princes.
4. Bridge Troll
5. Bored at work
6. Cat stew
7. Loot!
8. What are you doing?
9. More or less.
10. Astrolabe.
11. The Tapestry.
12. On changing fate.
13. In his shadow
14. I want to try.
15. Will you help me?
16. Peeping Tom.
17. Idea!
18. Strung along.
19. New plan.
20. Siege.
21. A hostile act.
Chapter 4: TeaserCover
1. Orestead
2. One outfit.
3. Every princess uses a bow.
4. Rumours.
5. We gotta go.
6. C L U N K
7. They’re everywhere.
8. Cousins.
9. If you stab it, you buy it.
10. Subtle.
11. Apples.
12. Spicy!
13. Sidequest?
14. Sidequest!
15. Footsteps.
16. She was a witch??
17. Ground bones.
18. The witch’s hut.
19. That’s not how things work.
20. Unfriendly.
21. It moves!
22. Changing things up.
23. The price.
24. This will do nicely.
25. Hex.
26. Follow the screams.
27. Wrong.
28. Always a creepy cave.
29. Boogeyman.
30. Demian vs. Monster
31. Oops.
32. Oh boy.
33. Lunch time.
34. Home again.
35. Reality shock.
36. It wasn’t worth it.
37. No, thank you.
38. Burn it all.
39. BOOM.
40. Mega cursed.
41. You’re okay!